Can I Sell My House With a Tax Lien?

If you haven’t paid taxes, a lien can be placed on your home. This can be a huge financial burden. If you want to sell your home, those liens will get paid off first, putting far less money in your pocket. Let’s take a look at what a tax lien ultimately means for you and […]

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What Is Pre-Foreclosure?

Pre-foreclosure is exactly what it sounds like: it’s when a house is about to go into foreclosure but hasn’t yet. During pre-foreclosure, there’s a lot that homeowners need to know — about their situation, what they can do about it, and what their rights are. Here’s what you need to know about the pre-foreclosure process […]

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Should I Remodel My House or Move?

You have been living in your home for a while and you still like the place. However, it is no longer what you need or want. So, you probably start asking yourself, “Should I put my home up for the sale and move out, or remodel it and stay?” In order to answer this question, […]

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Why It’s Better to Work With a Real Estate Investor Than an Agent

When it comes to selling a home, most people prefer to work with realtors because it is the traditional and proven method used by millions of homeowners. However, working with a realtor is not always a positive experience. There is no doubt that realtors are professionals who know what they are doing and who will […]

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Should I Sell to a Home Investor?

When we think about selling our home, we often think about selling to a family or maybe even a young professional. But there’s another option too: selling your home to a home investor. Selling your home to a home investor has a lot of benefits, but they’re also situational. Here’s what you need to know. […]

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How to Know When It’s Time to Sell Your House

Your home isn’t your “forever home.” But how do you know when it’s time to sell? Selling a home is a unique, individual process. It depends on the market, your position in life, and your current needs. Here are a few signs that you might be ready. Your Home No Longer Suits Your Needs If […]

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Why Should I Sell My House?

There once was a time when people would build their home with their own two hands, and then they would live it in for their entire lives. That tradition largely ended a hundred years ago or so. Today, a house isn’t just where you live. It’s an investment. Because of that, it’s perfectly normal to […]

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5 Ways to Get Out of Your Mortgage

Buying a house is a huge commitment. Sometimes, first-time homeowners learn that they don’t really want all of the extra work and hassle that comes with owning a house. In other cases, circumstances change, and the house that was great becomes an untenable burden. No matter how you get to the situation, if you want […]

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How to Sell Your House When It Has Tenants

You want to sell your house, but you still have tenants. Maybe they’re on a month-to-month lease. Maybe they have another year to go. Regardless, you’re selling an encumbered property. What’s your next step? Before we even start, you need to know that selling a house with tenants comes with some major challenges. First, showings […]

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What Happens to My Mortgage When I Sell My House?

Are you thinking about selling your house? If you haven’t gone through the process before, you should know that it’s a major financial event with many moving parts. One of the most important things to understand is what will happen to your mortgage when you sell. We’re going to break that down for you right […]

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Should I Rent or Sell My House?

You’re moving, but there’s one catch. What do you do with your existing house? You can rent it or you can sell it. It’s a hard question to answer, and can be complicated by several factors. Let’s talk about the pros and cons of each. Renting Isn’t for Everyone Renting is expensive and time consuming. […]

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What Is the Foreclosure Process in Colorado?

In Colorado, there are two ways that a lender can foreclose: judicial foreclosure and nonjudicial foreclosure. But foreclosure isn’t a black-and-white process. If you’re about to go into foreclosure, the situation may be more complicated than you think. Here is what you need to know about the foreclosure process in Colorado: Lenders Have Different Rules […]

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Why Won’t My House Sell?

Your house has been on the market for months, but it just won’t sell. You’ve watched other houses on your block hit the market and within just a few days they’re snapped up. What’s going on with your property? Why won’t it sell? Every property is unique, and every market is unique. But there are […]

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What Does It Mean When a House Gets Condemned?

Sometimes it’s unavoidable. Perhaps your house just got away from you. Maybe a sinkhole suddenly appeared. Maybe you inherited a long-neglected house from a distant relative. Regardless of the situation, you could have a home that’s about to be condemned. What does that mean to you? No One Can Live in a Condemned Home When […]

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How to Prevent Foreclosure

There are serious consequences to going into foreclosure. Not only could you become responsible for large fines, penalties, and legal costs, but you could also find yourself unable to purchase another home for years. Foreclosure is always the last thing you want to happen, but many feel powerless to prevent it. You shouldn’t; there are […]

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Advantages of a Cash Offer on Your House

As a home seller, you know that whether your buyers have a mortgage or not, they’ll be presenting you with cash. So what makes a cash offer so important? After all, it’s going to become cash anyway, right? The truth is, a cash offer is objectively better than any other type of offer. Here’s why. […]

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4 Tips for Selling Your House Quickly

If you’re ready to sell your house, you have a lot of work to do. Markets are unforgiving, and whether housing is hot or cold right now, you can expect some wait time and some elbow grease to be parts of the equation. If you want to sell your house as quickly as possible, that […]

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8 Tips for Getting Out of Debt Quickly

Everyone feels weighed down by additional debt. But there are ways that you can get out of debt quickly and start moving on with your life. Here are 8 tips to help you get out of debt quickly: 1. Set Up a Loan Consolidation Consolidate your debts into a single, low monthly payment, so you’ll […]

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Questions to Ask When Selling A House

If you’re selling a home for the first time, chances are you’ve got questions. That’s okay, because Purple Mountain Holdings is here to help. We work with homeowners just like you every day. Here are some important questions to ask when selling a house, along with their answers: 1. Is it the Right Time to […]

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Sell Your House Despite Your Pets

Many homeowners have pets, but not everyone will adore your four-legged friend. Some home buyers want a pet-free environment without the odors, dander, and scratch marks on the hardwood floors. If you have a pet in your home, chances are you’ve got your work cut out for you. It’s not the end of the world, […]

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Tips to Let Your Home Sell Itself

You likely know from past experience or horror stories from friends and family that selling a home is no easy chore. In fact, people often say that selling a home is far worse than buying one. We beg to differ. Here are a few tips to make selling a home easier than ever. Start in […]

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Is Selling a Home Overwhelming?

When you imagine selling your home, you dream of opportunity — the opportunity to buy a larger house, to travel, to move to a new city. The possibilities are endless. What most don’t imagine, however, is the hardship that stems from selling a home. It is an often tough, overwhelming experience for most. Factors That […]

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Why You Need to Call a Real Estate Investor

When the time finally comes to sell your home, you have two options. You could call up a real estate agent in town and work with them to sell your property. Of course, they’ll take quite a cut of your profits with their fees and commissions. Alternatively, you could sell to a real estate investor. […]

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The Hidden Costs of Selling a Home

Believe it or not, it costs money to sell a house. It’s probably more than you’re expecting, too. There are selling fees, which may be up to 10 percent of the total sale, then the commission, home repairs, and so much more. Selling is a hassle—a costly hassle.  Real Estate Agent Fees Working with a […]

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Surprising Reasons To Downsize Your Home Min

Surprising Reasons to Downsize Your Home

As you get older and the children start to move out, you realize you don’t need a massive home with numerous empty rooms. After all, your children are away at college and starting lives of their own. Every empty room is costing you money. With that in mind, most homeowners consider downsizing. According to recent […]

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What Happens When You Can’t Pay Your Mortgage

Losing your job is extremely tough. We truly feel for you. Despite your loss of work, you still need to make on-time payments to your mortgage company. They expect their money each month, and you cannot be late. If you’re late, there are often fees, and you risk losing your home. Thankfully, most mortgage companies […]

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Selling Your Home As-Is to Avoid Costly Repairs

If you want to sell your home with a real estate agent, then you’re looking at some hefty costs. First, you’ll need to account for the fees and commission of the agent. Of course, that’s not all. Selling your house on the market in the traditional way often means paying out of pocket for repairs […]

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Sell Your Home As Is or Make the Repairs?

The time has finally come. You’re preparing to sell your home. As you start making plans, you notice that parts of your house are in disrepair. You may need to update the lighting, paint the exterior, or address dry rot. Whatever the case, no one said selling a home would be easy, at least if […]

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Sell Your House Fast!

For many, the process of selling a home rivals that of buying a home. It can be even more stressful and exhausting since you’re hoping to get a nice chunk of change for your investment. If you don’t get any bites, you’re stuck. The pressure is on. Before you start second-guessing yourself and lose confidence, […]

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How the House Selling Process Actually Works

To many, selling a home is more challenging a process than buying a home, but that’s not to say the process is often convoluted and challenging to undertake. If you’re selling a house traditionally, by the owner or with a listing agent, the path is pretty straightforward. Selling a House The more traditional method can […]

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What if my House is in Good Condition?

While a lot of the marketing for real estate investment is focused on buying and selling ‘ugly’ homes, that’s not always the case. For many homeowners, an old home is just difficult to sell on the housing market. There are too few buyers looking to invest in a fixer-upper. But a real estate investor? They […]

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Who Sells Houses to Sell My House Today

There has long been a certain stigma surrounding real estate investors. Yes, there are a lot of amateurs in the business. They advertise their home-buying services on the side of a road, with a shoddily-made sign stuck into the grass. These are not the majority, though. The majority of real estate investors are extremely professional […]

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Do You Have to Pay Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Properties?

When you inherit your home, the property is typically worth more than what it once was. This excess worth is known as equity. If you were to then sell the home, you could endure huge capital gains taxes. Thankfully, when inheriting property of any kind, the property tax basis is increased to the current value […]

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Steps to Take After a Wildfire Ruins Your Home

Even a small fire in your home can lead to serious damage. The building itself is often badly damaged by flames, smoke, and water from the fire department.

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Top Areas to Check After Severe Wind Storms

You’ve probably taken steps to minimize damage from severe weather, but you could wind up with more damage than you bargained for. The occasional wind storm can have a significant impact on the overall durability of your home. However, you can mitigate the damage by knowing where to examine after a severe wind storm. First […]

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